mercredi 12 septembre 2007


The TV program that I chose is Andromeda, a Science fiction tv series. I chose this serie because I like science fiction also this series is very intresting and has a very developed story. The story is set thousands of years into the future, the Commonwealth system has fallen and the captain of a Commenwealth flagship has decided to restore it and to "rekindle the light of civilization."

The main characters of the series is, in season 3 they are: Captain Dylan Hunt; Beka Valentine, an expert pilot; Try Anasazi, a Nietzschen; Seamus Harper , a supergenius engineer; Romie, the ship’s artificial intelligence’s avatar and Trance Gemini a purple-skinned alien who turned out to be a god-like Avatar of Stars at the end of the series. The Andromeda series takes place in 3 galaxies; the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy and the Triangulum galaxy.